Raphael Law Solicitors are committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all of our clients. If you feel dissatisfied in anyway, we would like you to tell us about it. This will help us improve our standards.
We want to investigate your complaint fully, fairly and promptly.
In accordance with the Solicitors Regulation Authority we have established and maintain a procedure for handling complaints in relation to the legal services that we provide.
All complaints will be dealt with fairly, promptly and free of charge. The overall responsibility of dealing with complaints lies with Nadia Raphael.
The SRA definition of a complaint
A complaint means an oral or written expression of dissatisfaction which alleges that the complainant has suffered (or may suffer) financial loss, distress, inconvenience or other detriment.
Formal Complaints Process
1. When we have received a complaint or been asked by LO to respond, Nadia Raphael will investigate (which can include asking you to provide further or other information or documentation or enquiring of staff in our office or invite you to a meeting to discuss the matter) and write or email with our findings to you within 8 weeks. Our response will contain the name of the fee earner dealing with your complaint.
2. If we need more time to investigate we will write or email you regarding the same.
3. If having received our letter or email with our findings from our investigations and our proposals for a resolution of your complaint you still remain dissatisfied, you should write again to Nadia Raphael detailing the reasons for your continuing dissatisfaction within 10 days of your receipt of our letter with our findings and a resolution of our complaint. In case of personal hardship a reasonable extension is available to this time frame.
4. The matter will then be referred to Nadia Raphael who will review the decision and respond to you, in writing, within 15 working days of receipt of your letter/communication under paragraph 3.
5. Please note that if we do not hear back from you within the timescales set out within paragraph 3, we will treat your complaint as having been resolved. As advised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the Legal Ombudsman, we shall endeavour to resolve all formal complaints within 8 weeks from formal of complaint or request from LeO.
6. If following receipt of our response, under paragraph 4, you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman at the following address:
Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton WVI 9WJ
Website: They can also be contacted on 0300 555 0333
7. Any complaint to the Legal Ombudsman must usually be made within six months of the date of our final communication on your complaint. The Legal Ombudsman will normally expect this firm to have been given reasonable opportunity to investigate and respond to any complaint. However, please do note that from 1 April 2023 the Legal Ombudsman expects complaints to be made to them within a year of the date of the act or omission about which you are concerned or within a year of you realising there was a concern.
8. There are no charges payable by you for the implementation of this policy.
Raphael Law Solicitors is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
You can report a matter directly to the SRA if you think we have breached an SRA Principle in connection with providing a legal service. You need to speak to SRA for the same. Visit for more information.